Effortless Photo and Video Transfer with a $5 SD Card Reader: A Quick Guide

Okay, so I’ve been getting a lot of this comment where it says,
you know, why don’t you just use your camera to your computer?
That works. Awesome.
That works too. But a lot of times
people are just editing in their phones to upload onto social media.
They wanna upload it to the cloud.
The easiest way to do that is with one of these.
So if you have a camera that has an SD card
that probably doesn’t have the capability as a Bluetooth
or anything like that where you can connect it to your phone,
a lot of them, like this one.
This is an older Nikon.
It doesn’t have the capability of connecting this to my phone,
which I. It would be nice if it did,
but because it doesn’t, this little 5 dollar piece of equipment,
it’s awesome for what I need it for.
And so all I do is take the SD card out of my camera,
stick it in right here, use either my lightning or USB C.
I have a Google which has a USB C.
Plug it in, go to my files,
and now it says USB storage right here.
Click on that DCI M and.
And then there are all my photos that I can scroll now
and upload either to my phone or the cloud
onto my editing app that I might have if.
If I want my face to look good,
I’m gonna use the editing app that’s On my phone
like Peter. Just takes too long.
So yeah, $5
you can do all that and it’s as easy as plugging it into your phone,
going to your files, and uploading all your videos,
all your photos straight to your phone,
where then you can upload them to the cloud.
Like I said, the other way works too.
But a lot of times people don’t have the capability
and they might not even have a laptop.
Laptops are expensive. A lot of people have their phone
which can do pretty much what laptops can do now.
So if you guys want to get this 5 dollar SD card reader
which is capable of using regular SDS,
micro SDS, and thumb drives all in this one little thing.
So five bucks. So
just click on the link down below and grab yours before they’re gone
because these sell out all the time.