Converting a Toyota Tundra into an Anti-Tank Machine: Is It Possible?

So we’ve all got that one friend,
you know, like that one friend
that wants to convert their Toyota Tundra into an anti tank machine
capable of destroying an entire armored column of Russian T70 Twos.
Or even, you know,
a column of Btrs or brdms or BMP’s.
Well, I’m sure there’s a conversion kit out there,
but it’s probably gonna be expensive
and you’re probably gonna have to have a government contract
in order to purchase it. So
if you’re making plans to convert your Toyota Tundra into a armored
column destroying machine,
you’re probably going to want to get on the Lockheed Martin website
or the great thion website
and take a look at some of the options that they have there.
And maybe potentially send some emails
and reach out to them personally
and see if they’re interested in working with you.
I’m sure that if you’ve got enough money for it,
that you’d be able to get more bang for your buck.