Trademark Troubles: The Case of Very Demure, Very Mindful

Very demure, very mindful.
Why is this, ah,
child of people out here stealing? Ah.
So I came across a video where the creator,
who basically brought the demure word to life,
was in shambles.
She was basically crying, upset
because she basically can’t really use the word no more
because somebody done trademarked it.
They don’t find the person.
He in Washington. His name is Jefferson.
Now, of course he’s.
But, um,
you know,
he done put in a request to basically take over the whole very demure,
very mindful. But I did end up coming across another video
where a trademark lawyer was explaining how, actually,
Jules can still do this.
And I have a friend of a cousin’s who’s a trademark lawyer,
and I went ask them as well.
So I didn’t show a friend of a friend the video.
I wanted to watch first to see what she said.
And she basically said everything in the video.
The other lawyer on TikTok says,
I’m like, oh.
So basically, long story short,
the trademark committee is just now getting to, like,
January of this year. So that’s one that buys jewels time.
Which means she can still actually file.
It has not been cleared. It has not went through.
Also, Jefferson filled it out himself with no help,
which leaves so much room for error.
He filed A1B, which is only pertaining to a certain portion.
He ain’t file for, like, merchandise,
podcast, merch.
I mean, the List goes on.
Like, Lily,
Jules could still file for like,
all these things. Also on the attorney,
he has no one represent him.
And except he don’t got no one represent him again,
that leaves a lot of room for error.
I mean, you can also represent yourself.
That’s basically like going to court and represent yourself,
but you know how that go. And then
he has a track record
of trying to hop on every trademark that goes viral.
And he don’t have six of them get denied back to back.
So right now, it’s still looking pretty good for jewels.
I feel like she’s still going to do it.
And also get a lawyer.
A bitch always try to capitalize on somebody else.
Oh, I can’t.
Damn, people.
But we gonna stay tuned cause I wanna see how this all played out.
And I will hope to see that his says dead or denied and, um,
Jules get approved. Cause honestly,
I never heard the word really until she brought it alive.
Like, get.
Let that girl make her merch and get some money on.
A bitch always trying to steal some damn.
I had it happen to me before,
so I know.
But we’ll say that for another day. Hmm.
I know you lie, Swiper from Washington.