Sweet Delights: Tasting Treats from Carlos’s Bakery in New York

I’m in New York and we went to Carlos’s Bakery. I was a Cupcake Wars girl and not a Cake Boss girl, so I didn’t really know what this bakery was, but it’s very popular. And my friend Lizzie, she wanted to go and I’m never gonna walk into a bakery, not get nothing. So I got a few things. We’re gonna try the cream puff cake. You can’t tell me that looks delectable. I’m a few days away from my period, so, you know, let’s go ahead. I have a Nutella lobster tail. I don’t think that there’s anything, any seafood in there, but it looks delicious. And then we have two canolis, the original canoli and the peanut butter finoli. This is from two days ago. It’s been in the fridge this whole time, you know, like when you’re drinking, you don’t want sweets. It’s like that’s been the situation the last few days. So I like forgot I had it, didn’t care to really eat it. And now I’m so excited for it. I’m gonna try the cream puff cake first. This looks interesting. Okay, it looks like dress letches cake.

Okay, Carlos. Okay, Carlos, for being two days old, the cake is so fluffy and creamy and not like, it doesn’t taste like it’s been sitting. It’s not soggy. I don’t know what the texture was originally, but I’d be happy if this was the original texture. Let me try the cream puff on top.

Perfect. Are they gonna try the lobster tail next? It looks like a croissant. I don’t know what’s the difference in this and a croissant is we’re out to find out. So I break her? Do I bite her? I break her. Oh, that’s the difference. She got stuff inside. Okay. Okay.

I feel like this got messed up. Has been two days, right? She tastes stale, but the flavor of this cream is really good. I just know it wasn’t the original dough consistency. It’s okay, Carlos. I do not blame you.

Let’s try the canoli. I’ve never had a canoli. Why is it so bright? I’ve never had a canoli. I’m very excited. Here we go. Cheers. Is it good if you don’t stop breathing on you right now? I came in taste because I’m so distracted. I don’t like the cream. It tastes like cookie dough, but in the worst way. What? Cuz I love raw cookie dough. Tastes like Plato a bit. I’m kind of sad. I do love peanut butter and this is a chocolate peanut butter one. Let’s try her.

I don’t think I could only girl this right here. What the kids be saying these days. Bus and bus. Okay, that’s what this is. The other ones, you know, that’s okay. It’s okay, Carlos. This is good. This is so good.