Tales from My Online Business: Handling Unusual Interactions and Preserving a Safe Space

I’ve been asked if I have any interesting stories about my business
about different people because I do technically work with the public
it’s just all online usually it’s just people saying hey
remove the sticky notes on all of my lady creatures
or it’s people telling me that I need to not draw them because they’re weird???
and like fine
I just delete the comments cause it’s not a big deal
but I did have a new one in my comment section yesterday
and what’s this new interaction
you may ask well
someone tried to religiously convert me
did it work? ✨️no✨️
I reported them for religious harassment because they started sharing like
Bible verses and telling me that my soul was condemned ☠️
because I need to follow the righteous path 🌄
you know because I sell
✨️witch hats and ladies✨️
that’s such a scary thing right?
this isn’t just a story time though
this is also PSA I will block people
report them and I will also delete comments
this is going to continue to stay a safe space for as long as I can
keep it that way