Title: Spreading Kindness in the Music Community: A Message from an Independent Musician

what I love about being a small
independent musician is the sense of community
um but I have a message for this community um
because a few of my friends or mutuals online that are musicians
I’ve seen you guys not all of you
absolutely not all of you
but like one too many
repost this video or comment on this video
of Maisie Peters supporting Taylor Swift recently at the eras tour
um and one of these videos had a big paragraph of hate
and I just think it’s the least cool thing I’ve ever seen
I’m just here to remind you to show that kindness always
even to people that you perceive to not be good
because all that video is saying to me is that you’re jealous
and that you have such a horrendous ego
that you think that you’ve never sung a tune out of note before
it’s so not cool to publicly shame people like that
um you don’t need to do it
you know
yeah just it’s so
and yeah