From $1,100 in a Day to a $360,000 Year: The Blueprint to Successful Dropshipping without a Degree

This digital dropshipping store did over $1,100 in sales yesterday.
And $50 is a pretty normal price point that beginners usually get into.
And you only need to sell 22 units at $50 each
to do this amount of sales every day.
just imagine for a second if we average it out to this store is doing,
let’s say, $30,000 per month,
that’s three $360,000 per year
that was built without needing a degree
or any type of formal education,
but instead just some internal drive and a blueprint to follow.
Just like anything else, you start for the first first time.
It’s not going to be easy at first.
And some days it’ll feel like you’re not making any progress.
But as long as you keep going,
at some point you will look up and realize, wow,
I actually did it and it was all worth it.
If you want my blueprint and to see how we’re doing this here,
especially as we get into Q4,
just message me the word freedom here on Instagram
and I’ll send you all the details about my upcoming challenge.