Marvel Movie Madness: A Review Journey Through X-Men, MCU, and Mutant Mayhem

we are watching all of the X-Men and MCU movies in release order
and by that I mean I’m watching all of the X-Men-slash-mutant movies
and then going back and watching all of the MCU
so um
I just finished watching Deadpool
which means that next I’m going to watch X-Men: apocalypse
according to a random ass article that’s telling me the released order
um Deadpool’s the first film that I’ve rated a 5 out of five
and uh
that’s all I have to say um
I think that X Men could have ended with Days of Future Past
but um
Apocalypse and the Dark Phoenix exist anyways
so we’re just gonna see how that goes. I don’t have high hopes
I just finished watching Apocalypse
um if it didn’t have Nightcrawler
it would have been ass
it had Nightcrawler so
I feel like I should be offended by this
joyful little bluegrass beat
so Logan was a movie.
i don’t know.
ignore the new mutant playing in the background
um Deadpool 2 slay
loved it everything out of it
Dark Phoenix mediocre whoa
okay Catholicism?
the Dark Phoenix sucked now I’m watching the New Mutants
I don’t know what’s happening
I forgot to film several parts
so we’re just gonna rapid fire some movies here okay
the New Mutants— it felt unfinished
it felt like there was a lot of exposition that they didn’t give us
that we were supposed to have
um the only thing I could see it connecting to any other film that I’ve seen
and I’ve seen pretty much all of them at least once in my lifetime um
was— was Logan and Laura
and I can’t remember what the name of the New Mexico facility is
but whatever that was called
but um
it felt unfinished. it was bad
uh it was the lowest rating I’ve given a movie so far
Iron Man— amazing
no notes uh
fucking love it um
some notes but not enough that I’m gonna get into them now
um the Incredible Hulk
honestly a lot of people dog on the Incredible Hulk
I know that it kinda has a reputation for being a bad movie
I enjoyed it! I had a grand old time
I do think the guy who played Hulk
(I forgot his name don’t kill me)
would be a really good
like Steve Rogers, in an alternate universe
um, I think he can do it
he wouldn’t be a good Captain America
but he would be an absolutely amazing Steve Rogers
and then finally
Iron Man 2 which I uh
have the credits pause as we sit here right now
just finished it
uh, no real thoughts beyond the fact that ironically
Rhody is such an iconic character in these films
and he is so irrelevant in everywhere else that I forgot he existed
and then got really excited when I remembered that he did exist
because I loved him as a child
he was my favourite so um
next is Thor which was the first Marvel film I ever watched and um
I just remember him throwing a mug on the ground