Title: A Comparison of American and Canadian Universities: Insights and Perspectives

Okay um
there’s a question that I would say
I may not really be in the best position to answer
but let me just put it straight the best way I can say it
someone is asking
what is the difference between American universities
that means universities in the U.
S and Canadian universities
I have not been to American universities
so I’ll just tell you what other people are saying about it
but Canadian universities as well
I’ve not been to it
but I’ve heard about it based on the people that have gone to it
you understand so one thing about U.
S universities is that they are more focused
do you understand
on um studies that relates to do you understand skills acquisition
communication teamwork and the rest of them
in Canada
they are they are more focused on you not just getting the skills
do you understand but sometimes even being able to get the experience
do you understand that matches or that may not even necessarily match
but it may be faster basically
it may be faster for you to study in some Canadian university
even some U s
universities than in others and they would look at your
you may have the opportunity to go for internships
and work opportunities in some universities
while some universities won’t give you the opportunity
in both countries
and another thing about it is that um Canadian degrees
do you understand may be quite the same as U
S degrees
but the contents of the programs that you are studying
may actually differ you understand
you can study technical programs in this place or technological I
t programs in this place and you study it in the U.
S and it will be more voluminous
more in depth than the one that you study in Canada
do you understand but similarly
you may notice that when you are working on your maybe C G P
s there may be some slight differences
maybe some schools using percentages
some using you understand point system
and again there are some salient differences
but I would say all in all
um I’m not going to say one is harder than the other
and I will not say that um
you find it much more easier in one than the other
but basically and Canadian
schools will be much more favourable for many people than U.
S schools
because many times
you may not be able to transition easily from being a student
to a worker or from being a student to a permanent resident in U
as you would have been given the opportunity in Canada you understand
if you know how to actually go about it
and that’s why again of course many people prefer
do you understand to study in Canada than to study in the U. S.