Optimizing Email Conversions: The 3x CTA Method

Did you know that not everybody converts the same
when it comes to email marketing?
Some people will convert when they see a button with a CTA call out.
Some people will convert when they see text
hyperlink to go to your webpage or book a call with you.
So when you’re designing your email,
you need to be using the 3 by CTA method.
And this is something I’ve been testing for a while now
within my ECOM and service based clients.
And this is where we’ll have three different ways of using a CTA.
So typically we will do a button course.
That’s the stock standard one.
We’ll also hyper link some text within the email
and link that out to whatever we’re getting the audience to do.
We’ll also add in an image banner
and we may have a CTA hook in there
or maybe even a better button within there.
Like have it all designed in there
because this is the way you should be creating email.
Just like some people convert with a static image in an ad or a video,
you need to have different CTAs within your email to ensure
you’re giving as many options
to people to actually make that action you’re asking them for.
So use my 3 buy CTA method.
I’ve been testing this for a while
and it has definitely increased some of our clients
click through rates by having either text
hyperlinked out a button
and then also Some sort of image
banner with either text or also a button design in there as well.
And let me know how you go with your click through rate.