Title: Ray Theory App Review: A Comprehensive and Effective Driver Theory Test Kit for the UK

Hello. I’ve been sent a theory app by, er,
Ray app, which is a driver theory test test kit UK,
and I’ve been having a look at it for the last week.
I’ve been doing some questions on it, cause, uh,
before I ever promote anything,
I wanted to have a little look at it first
to see if it was up to standard.
And, yeah,
the app itself is absolutely brilliant.
Er, I used one myself, um,
when I was trying to be an A D I.
I used various different apps on it,
so they are very, very useful.
I’ve never come across this one now,
so it is definitely something I’m gonna be recommending to my pupils.
It’s very comprehensive, actually.
I’ll put a little screenshot of it up.
Um, so what.
What you do if you want to download it?
Just type in Ray Theory app and it’ll come up and.
And it comes up Driver Theory Test Kit UK,
and you can download it there, um,
on the App Store. It’s absolutely brilliant.
So it’s got a few different things on it that I haven’t seen before.
It’s got the full highway codes on there.
It’s got features on where,
when you make mistakes, it’ll throw up the questions
and you can do questions of just where you.
Where you weak and your mistakes.
It’s also got a guide on driving
and it’s got the hazard perception,
which I’ve been doing recently
and I’ve been Missing a few,
to be honest with you and me.
Timing’s just slightly off,
so it’s great for practicing that,
cause I do believe it is all about timing and the hazard perception.
Er, I’ve done a 50 question test the other day.
I got two wrong. Ha ha.
So I did pass, but I got two wrong.
And literally the two I got wrong,
I hadn’t read them properly.
So it’s good for me as well.
I’ll, I’ll keep my hands in here now and I’ll keep practising with it,
but I would highly recommend that you download this app.
I’ll be doing other features on it in,
in the coming months as well.
Er, I’ll be, er,
posting little bits and bobs about it,
but it is a fantastic app
and I’d highly recommend that you download it.
I’ll put the link below for it. Okay.
If you’re practicing for your theory,
check it out. It’s a very comprehensive app.
You can’t go wrong with it. Cheers.