From Janoskians to Art: My Unconventional Journey to Happiness and Success

Guys, how you going?
It’s me and Cholo here. Say hi papa Cholo.
Oh my God, you look so cute.
Anyway, uh,
this is a video of how I got into art.
I made this video a couple years ago,
maybe three years ago and put it on my YouTube.
It pretty much explains my whole situation of how I got into art.
Um, I’d make an updated version,
but this version will do from three years ago.
Uh, I think I made a raw authentic video and um, yeah,
it goes like 12 minutes long.
So if you have time,
if you wanna hear a genuine story of my struggles in life
that LED me to art, then keep watching.
If you don’t have time,
just fuckin flick the video up and scroll along you useless prick.
Sorry that was too far.
Uh, yeah, anyway, enjoy the video,
but you’re so fucking cute.
Hey guys, welcome back to another video on J.
Brooks art. Just another little vlog that um,
I wanna share with you guys.
Fuck. Uh,
last night I had um, the shittiest dream.
I always dream that I’m in the ugliest bathtub ever.
This dream always happens.
Not the same bathtub. The bathtub always changes up,
but it’s the ugliest bathtub.
It’s the biggest, ugliest drain.
And um, yeah,
I have the biggest fear of drains.
Uh, they just,
they just make me shiver and I always fucking dream about it.
And then when I wake Up I’m like,
oh confuse and shit
cause I have sleep paralysis while I’m in the fucking bathtub
and ugh. Anyway,
yeah, let’s get into it. Anyway,
so growing up um, I had no idea what I wanted to be at all.
Like there’s no profession that I uh
could just envision and uh focus all my time.
Yeah, like I what I wasn’t very skilled at anything
like I was skilled at drawing
but I had no
idea that you can make a full time career of being an artist.
And yeah, I like I didn’t really believe in myself.
I didn’t think I was that good.
So drawing was a drawing and art was out of the picture.
I just had no idea what I wanted to be.
So yeah, that’s when uh
me and my brother started uh
getting into YouTube videos and just fuck
just fucking around on YouTube making uh stupid videos,
homestyle videos. They were trash.
They were filmed on you know Nokia 6,
300, whatever,
whatever they were you know
Nokia with like fuckin snake and the game bounce on it
that would just stop and start.
That was the editing process on the record button stop,
start, stop,
start. That were good times.
They were funny videos back then from little like 12 year olds.
Anyway, so we dabbled into YouTube and then um
we start taking it more serious with the genoskins
and then it blew up after we did orca
Train situations from that point on
after not knowing what I wanted to be as a kid Bam,
I’m suddenly a Youtuber and I’m a Youtuber with a lot of fans
and there’s a lot of opportunities coming my way.
There we go the dream that I never wanted happened.
I’m a Youtuber who does prank videos and music and all this other shit.
Yeah. So from then we reach stardom like internet stardom you’d say
but I know it was kind of um at the start of being internet famous
you were kind of also pretty famous in to the general public
you weren’t considered an influencer so yeah,
we exploded through that and we moved out to LA and we um
experienced things that we never thought we would have experienced
like we grew up in a pretty uh rough area in um
Melbourne and from there we’re living in LA in the hills in a mansion
we’re hanging around with uh famous people people with a lot of money.
I don’t want to name drop but it’s kind of um the point to this video
we’re hanging with uh people like Kylie Jenner
we went to the Kim Kardashian
Kim Kardashian’s house and I swim in their pool
we’re throwing house parties and there were famous people left
right and center coming Logan, Paul,
Jake Paul um yeah the Kylie Jenner’s came
the Kylie Jenner’s
Kylie Jenner came the weekend even made an appearance
I didn’t Know who he was back then
he was just that guy with funny hair
but yeah, he came to our house house parties.
So yeah, from a kid from a rough part of Melbourne all the way into LA
throwing massive house parties
meeting people never thought I would have met
traveling the world 4 times on um
on international tours. Yeah,
just opportunity it is that I never thought would have uh
never dreams would have come to me
no thought would have existed
things I didn’t uh think was possible was a crazy time in my life
and um to be honest,
I got uh stuck in the hype.
I didn’t think it would ever stop
didn’t think it would come down
but like I said in my uh video to sneaker
that shit does come down and it comes down pretty fast.
Like we got pretty lazy in our Janoskian days making videos.
I honestly I didn’t I didn’t really like doing the Janoskian videos.
I didn’t like doing pranks.
It made me like it made me anxious.
I hated the fact that we’re going out and um uh
disturbing people’s days and I don’t know
instead of like being positive
we kind of made people have shitty days.
That’s what people on YouTube liked back then content like that.
So we were right time right place when we’re doing that content. Anyway,
it did come to an end and we were sent back home to Australia.
We weren’t sent we came back home to Australia
left all our stuff in LA
cause we didn’t know we weren’t gonna go back to LA
so all my stuff in LA was left there uh TVs,
my computer, all my clothes,
all my personal stuff never saw it again
it’s in a storage uh container and um
I’m pretty sure they they put that shit on Storage Wars
not like the actual the show Storage Wars,
but there’s actual Storage Wars that happen
people bit on your container and bit on your shit
so yeah,
then I was back home and um for three years after janoskis ended
I was back to square one from when I was a little kid.
I had no idea what I wanted to do I had no motivation
there was literally nothing that I thought I could do like I said,
I didn’t think I had any skill, any talent
so yeah, then I fell into a little depression unmotivated,
lazy in my bed gambling every day,
playing video games, gambling and yeah,
just doing nothing at all with my life
partying a lot at night times with our friends that came by
doing drugs it was just a bad three years of my life yeah,
I wasn’t working at all. There was no income.
I was blowing through all my money that I’d made
we also bought this house
so a lot of our money that we did make from our Genesis
Days did go to the house but other than that um
there was no income and I was pretty much losing everything
so then I had to get a job and I didn’t want to do any work in public
like working at a grocery store or
you know like a target or Kmart or something like that
I still had a recognisable face
and I knew if I would be working at places like that out in public
I’d probably get bullied just at my work job because like I said
from partying with the fucking Kardashians
now to having a normal job at Kmart
which I’m not bagging anyone that works at Kmart
it is a respectable job you know
you’re working hard to make a decent income
I was just so fucking embarrassed
if someone would have seen me there from where I was to working there
it’s like people will whoa dude you really fell off which yeah
we probably did fall off which I didn’t mind cause I was
I was kind of happy that Janoskian days were over
because I was always anxious to film
I hated doing pranks and shit
and so then I got
I did get a job and it was a real eye opener from being a zenoskian
traveling the world being an international influencer
you’d say to my job was working pretty much at a scrapyard
at a junkyard
it was a it’s a business owned by my best Friend who does demolition,
they uh
demolish people’s houses and bring all materials and scraps to this
pretty much junkyard.
That’s where I was in the junkyard separating uh materials like um
steel, copper,
um from junk pretty much um,
it was pretty low days at
it was 10 hour days and I was just for 10 hours not talking to anyone
stuck in my head thinking about what the fuck,
how did my life get here? I’m now someone that works at a junkyard.
I was bending over
breaking my back for 10 hours a day picking up dead rats,
picking up diapers, baby diapers,
junk food, like fucking bags with disgusting food,
rotten food, vomit,
like the worst shit you could fucking pick up.
It was disgusting. It made me miserable because I thought like,
you know I was doing something well with my life
and now I’m just picturing myself being here as a 50 year old
breaking my back picking up junk.
So yeah, they were the loneliest times of my life
those days waking up at 5:00am starting probably at 6,
ending at 4:35. Pretty much it was hey motherfucker,
welcome to the real world.
This is a real world. You’re not in fantasy land anymore.
You’re not a fuckin bludging making videos.
By the end of the day I would be so fucking dirty.
I’m pretty much working around dirt all day and junk.
I have a photo of how dirty I’d get.
I’m Pretty sure I’m sitting on the toilet here
so don’t mind me just start pouting a bit. Anyway,
that was towards the end of it because I did have the gambling habit
I um was looking around my room for shit
I can sell to make more money for gambling
so I found some old drawings that I did probably 10 years ago
and I’ll just put on Twitter hey,
I’m selling these drawings if anyone wants to buy them
and they all sold out, which was crazy like what the fuck
people spend money on these stupid drawings?
Wow and a light bulb just went off my head Ding,
holy shit. Holy fuck
I can make money selling art,
which was just crazy to me.
I never thought I could make any money selling art like I said,
when I was a kid I knew I could draw
but I just pushed that
that talent or passion to the side because I’m like,
okay, I can draw
it’s pretty pointless. You can’t get a career out of this in um
high school they failed me in art
so I never thought I was fuckin good
good enough to make a career out of it
but then when I saw those drawings
I’m like, whoa,
how about if I just keep doing more drawings?
I’ll do another drawing and see if this one sells did the drawing, Bam,
sold and then from there from working in the junkyard to um
My days off doing drawings and selling more.
I then I was able to quit my job
working at the junkyard and start doing,
pursuing art as a full time career.
Yeah. So it’s just crazy from, um,
what all these different things in my life LED me to.
So from, uh,
doing YouTube, being in genitals,
traveling the world, working in a junkyard,
being addicted to gambling,
all those things combined LED me to uh,
doing art and LED me to actually being inspired in my life, motivated,
passionate about something and just all around gave me happiness.
So yeah, waking up every morning is so easy.
It’s so easy to get out of bed and um,
be motivated, go to the gym
and then come straight back home and start painting all day.
I’ll paint for 10 hours if I have to because it’s like
it’s not work to me that feels like, uh,
cause something I’m passionate about,
it does feel like I’m bludging all day
because I’m having that much fun.
So yeah, I’m just,
I’m really lucky.
I’m really blessed to have found something that I don’t consider a job,
but it’s something that gives me income.
It’s something that makes me happy
and want to get out of bed in the morning.
If it wasn’t for all that stuff,
uh, I would not be here where I am right now.
It’s funny,
the other day I was selling paintings on Snapchat and someone goes, Huh,
from janoskis to selling paintings.
You really fell off bro. I’m like,
but what the fuck this like this?
How did I fall off? Okay,
we fell off in that aspect of um,
stardom and fame, which I,
I didn’t really like anyway.
And now I’m doing something that I love.
So if you consider that falling off,
fuck, I fell off a fucking mountain.
I fell off a mountain Olympus. Yeah,
I fell off
and I fell into a nice comfy cushion that was laid there by the gods.
Anyway, guys.
So if you’re at a um, hard point in your life right now,
you’re working at a job you don’t like,
just uh, keep pushing through because one day hopefully like me,
it will lead you to something you’re passionate about
and something you don’t really consider a job.
I was in the lowest and lowest points of my life
literally picking up rats on the floor to now being happy and healthy.
Yeah, just crazy where life takes you.
I, I still can’t believe I’m a full time artist. Yeah,
I don’t think there’s too much more I need to say
like in before I do these videos,
I got so much to say in my head,
but then when I start,
I forget the majority of it and I just ramble on about well,
shit really. So yeah,
I’m not uh, really embarrassed to upload this.
A lot of people that have been in my Position
probably would be embarrassed to tell the story
I’m only 27 and this is this is probably like chapter 4 in my life
God God willing never know what uh could happen tomorrow
so it’s probably chapter 4 of my life
and I’m not embarrassed to tell the story of how I got here
how I fell off how I was picking up rats off the floor
picking up disgusting shit.
Yeah guys, I hope you guys enjoy this video.
If you guys wanna become a member of my patron,
it’s uh patron.comslashj Brooks.
I’ve been uploading like crazy on there
and it really helps the channel
as this channel is not really monetized yet
but yeah, thank you guys very much.
Yeah, that’s about it.
That’s all I’ve got to say
guys. Keep believing keep pushing yourself.
If you’re in a dark place right now
uh as cliche it will get better
that you can’t experience good times without bad times.
Yeah guys, thank you.
I’m out. Ciao.
I hope my mic was on this whole time.