Timing Your Tax Filing: Does Early Filing Equal Early Payment?

If I file my taxes early, do I have to pay them early?
So this is a question I get time and time again,
particularly when I’m trying to encourage my clients
to file as promptly as possible.
So, essentially,
let’s take self assessment tax as an example.
So the tax sheet runs from April 6th to April 5th each year,
and the payment deadline is January 31st the following year.
Okay, so you can start filing as early as the sixth of april,
and you aren’t required to pay anything until January 31st
the following year. So don’t be put off filing early
because do you think you’re gonna delay the payment?
If anything, you’re gonna give yourself more time,
more planning, you’re gonna be much more organised,
and you’re gonna give yourself the best shot
of paying as little tax as legally possible.