Title: The Harsh Reality of Life in Italy: A 32-Year Struggle Without Documents

Come back to another video.
It’s your boy, official.
And we are back again with another video.
This video I am about to show you will shock you.
Please, you need to watch the video till end.
And also try to share this video for me.
Doing this kind of video is not to disgrace anyone.
But we want people out there to know the real fact of Italy.
Because some people think that once you are in Italy
or once you are in Europe,
everything is easy for you.
I am taking you to Reggio Calabria,
where one of our African brother
has been here in Italy for the past 32 years.
But he don’t have documents to turn back to his family.
He don’t have documents to go back to his home country,
to even say hi to the family.
And the kind of place that he’s living will shock you.
He use firewood to cook, no light,
no water, no even place for him to ease himself.
If he feels like easing himself,
he need to go to the bush and do it.
Someone will say like, really?
Is it Italy? Yes,
it is Italy.
So if you arrive here in Italy and you don’t have your documents yet,
everything is patient. Don’t say I have been here one year,
two years, I don’t have documents.
I’m not saying
if you arrive and within one year you get your documents,
it’s no good. It’s good,
but when The documents is not yet in.
patient and continue doing your integration things in the country.
I don’t know if copyright will allow me to play this video for you,
but I will try my possible best so that you can and see the video.
See the kind of place that this our brother is living.
And I said before, this kind of videos are not to disgrace anyone,
but to encourage you that there is still hope for you.
He has been here for the past 32 years.
So let’s try to play the video.
Dove LA mettiamo?
Tu stai mangiando Così Sì E come Hai cucinato?
Qua fuori, fuori,
qua fuori, qua con le legna? Fuori.
E da quanto tempo tu vivi in Italia
me quest’anno mi fa trentadue anni
Hai Dei figli sì E da quanto tempo non li vedi?
Ah, Sai,
mi sono già divorziato
perché LA problema Dei documenti che non mai è andato a casa
e LA moglie se n’è andata
perché quando loro mi trovano qua senza documenti,
a me mi vergogna. Ti vergogni di questo?
MI vergogno perché Sono come un cane.
E questo è Il tuo letto. Sì
LA tua vita è tutta in una stanza.
È buono solo Dei vestiti che mi serve per lavoro qui?
Non c’è acqua. Boh,
cioè piano, piano.
Io prendi. Eh,
un secchio Vado fino all’ape.
Prendi. Piano,
piano. Non c’è un bagno Devi andare.
Boh, prendi LA zappa e scava LA Terra Fa LA cacca
poi chiudi solo quello che posso fare
Senti Mustafa. E tu?
E tu? Quando sei qui?
Eh? LA sera, eh?
Eh, da solo, eh?
Senza luce, senza nulla, eh?
Che cosa pensi della? Io credo a Dio e basta,
Io credo.
Guys, I hope you have seen the video.
So this is a true life story in Reggio Calabria
down there. If you go,
you will see that a lot of things are happening there.
You even see a place you would think that you are in Africa,
but it is part of Italy. Please don’t forget to share the video for me.
Until we meet again in the next video,
please stay safe and stay blessed. Peace out.