2022 Dennis Son Action Mobile Cup Elimination Finals: Hela Wigmen Triumph over Eastern Briton Gurias

A big, big,
big contest here elimination finals footy.
We’re on the way. Here we go.
Yeah, the 2022 Dennis Son Action
Mobile Cup elimination process begins right now
and it’s the 2022 grand final rematch
Gorius versus Wigman but they’re on the 20 metre Mark.
Yeah, bit of momentum now
and so a kopa sipan out linking up with the woodskewager
and this is gonna be a wonderful way to kick off the afternoon today.
It’s the Wigan on the board and Cowper Cupa starts the celebrations.
we have a reason. Come up
ball was passes forward. We have a reason.
Yeah, that’s a big let off there for the Wigmen.
I thought it was uh,
it’s gonna be the first four pointer of the afternoon
but not to be behind there and it it’s quite packed.
So they acted like the 14 fanners.
Norman Brown makes a break.
Look at him go. The veteran down the touchline
one on one with the fullback takes a settler.
But yeah, you can hear the crowd.
They’re really getting into this one.
Every time the weak men make a break us now
they’ve got numbers on the outside. The floater.
Can they make the most of this one?
Norman Brown confronted there by the defence
able to get the ball away there.
Keep it going here. The Wigmen keeping the ball alive.
Hope they don’t stop at the moment.
Pocare sends it away. Anolo pass.
Ah, this is Shepherd Football here from the Hella Boys.
Little footwork there from Igula
sends it away and this time,
no, ha ha ha.
He lost the ball over the line.
Yeah, he went over the line,
but at the impact of the tackle,
he landed on his back and he dropped that ball.
I tell you what, this is like Fiji Sevens Rugby.
I love it. In this finals for 2024 for the G G Selexta Mobile Cup.
That’s crazy.
The exchange of passing from one side to the other and back.
And then the scramble from the gurus
turn away from the line, they come back towards the midfield region.
Great take here.
Wyman gets away. This time they will score.
No one’s gonna stop Cruden from death
very close to the line as he dives over for the first 4 pointer.
This time they’re not gonna deny him.
There it is. Confirmation from the match referee.
That’s a very good try to Hela wigmen.
They’ve tried Manukame going forward,
but they come back to his right hand side towards the grandstand.
But just numbers, they’ve gone in there to score that try out wide.
And that shows how Hela Wigman can utilize the field to score tries.
They are defending really well,
but again, the erabalgurias are allowing them to come back
by giving away silly penalties,
but not to be.
The score remains 4 points to nil after 18 minutes of play.
Yes, yes,
yes. And uh,
this is Do or die. So I guess for the hello Wigmen
they’ve been playing this sort of football for the past uh six weeks.
Every, every game has been do or die for them.
This is it. This is it. This is where
the game really counts. But uh,
he is coming now. Bun’s coming runner with a 30 metre Mark.
It’s brought down 25 out they go short side
good hands again here brown at the end of that one
he’s gonna score Richards out and slams the ball down too easy
successful again with his second attempt.
Boys help me out here.
Stop it, stop it
ha ha ha.
Okay, so uh,
the Wickman is on eight points Guria yet to score.
Uh, there is a change on the hella Wickman.
Manukame has come off and Bal Isaac has gone in to replace them.
He’s played his 20 minutes.
Uh, we’ve got 18 minutes left in the opening half.
Yeah, tell me what the gurus haven’t really gone into their groove.
I think it’s Naipana with the with the ball still short of the line.
Yeah, that’s the good result there for the eastern Britain gurus.
The the fans really getting into Asavoah’s head
but uh
he’s like cool, calm, composed,
a veteran. Maybe it’s his last season in the gurus colours.
You never know with these uh senior players but that’s a great try.
Good hit
back up 27 metres out now smack bang in the Middle of the park.
Oh, good charge here.
Kopa Simpa offloads the ball.
It’s gone back. Manukame passes figure corners,
stops props, gets back to the middle.
Manukame 8 metres out now plays the ball solo in the dummy half,
goes himself, dummies Solo’s gonna score.
Travis Solo getting a try for the Wigmen.
Referee points to the spot.
The crowd’s back in. This one
a typical Trevor solo.
It’s uh, I think Lensmutu now to play.
It comes back to us a boss.
It’s a great catch up. Here’s a mistake.
Play on. Oh,
they’ve gone the wrong way,
I think. But uh,
this is Mccaw getting over the line for a very important try.
That is a try that the eastern Briton gurus needed
and it was that kick from as a boss.
By no means do they deserve to be this close to the Wigman,
but uh, four points down with the kick to come.
They can turn this into a two point ball game
going into that last 15 odd minutes of this elimination finals.
Up against it, the gorillas.
You love to see it. Good fight back. Good spirit.
Gets a good strike on this.
It’s fallen short though. The score remains 14 points to 10.
we can see from the uh kick by asabos and it’s the offload that he uh,
straight away onto the right hand side.
He should have gone left for a easy kick and also a try
Kameo will Play turn away from the line connors
beautiful leg swing strikes it beautifully.
That Northern Stand is absolutely packed now
Choco block with Hella Wigman supporters.
So the gurus looking for options here.
They come back to us here boss,
it’s a great ball away to Johnson.
Great tackle there
was whamming on Johnson comes back to us a boss
the cross field kick chasing through and how he goes.
The gurus have scored a very,
very crucial try ya
Bego for grounding
whoever is in coming up.
Yeah, it looks like it’s gonna be green lights here.
Yeah, there it is
just over six minutes left in this contest.
Guriya strike back this kick to level things up posing himself
strikes it.
Oh, that wins
blown it away. The score remains Wigmen 16 Korea’s 14.
Five minutes 49 seconds left in this elimination final
1G G Cell Excel Mobile Cup
the Santos National Football Stadium.
Yeah, two minutes 5 minutes is a long time
time loss have come to the end of the set solo.
Uh, this is gonna be a very easy try.
That’s the ball game.
Couriers are gone for 2024.
The Wigmen will advance to the next round.
Dear Balgaris moves in and strikes it.
Flags are raised 22 points to fourteen.
Yeah, it’s been a a physical battle here between those two teams.
Here they come again. Oh,
great play here.
Brown now runs into open past the support on the inside
and then Loses his footing.
He’ll take the tackle on halfway.
It should be the last play.
Now they’re still looking for more points here as a kick downtown.
Gonna roll dead in goal. And that’s all she wrote.
Here’s Wigman victorious this afternoon as they continue the hunt
heading to the next round of the elimination next week.
But what a performance from, uh,
Solo, Pakari and uh,
Junior Gill unfortunately couldn’t complete, uh,
the match picking up an ankle injury.
I hope it’s not too serious.