Coach T’s Guide to Proper Back Workout Technique

Oh, that’s a little better.
Hey, let’s go, brother.
Brother, please.
What are you doing? Clarence told me if I wanna work on my back,
I gotta do this machine. My name is Coach T.
I’m an online fat loss coach.
I help people like yourself lose weight with my training app.
Stop listening to Clarence and let me show you how it’s done.
If you say so, man.
Go ahead, do your thing.
Alright, bro,
this is the correct way how to do it.
You’re gonna grab the middle of the bar.
I don’t want you to treat this exercise like a roller coaster. Bro,
you don’t need to.
Like. What are you doing?
Where’d you even get that from?
I already know you got it from Clarence, Bro.
You only need to lean back just so the bar can touch your chest.
Like this. Slight lean touch of the chest,
boom, back to the top.
And while you’re going to the top,
you want to make sure you get that full stretch.
Boom, 1 2 back at the top.
Give it a shot, bro.
Thanks, Coach T.
I’m gonna follow you for more advice.