Plot Voice Note Recorder: The AI Tool That Can Revolutionize Your Business

y’all I wanna show you an AI tool that is dangerous if you know how to use it
take a look at this y’all
this is the plot voice note recorder
now look
all you have to do is click this little button right here
and it will record any conversation up to 30 hours long
the reason why I’m telling you it’s dangerous
is because once you figure out how to use this properly
it has the potential to completely change your business
y’all every single business conversation that I have during the day
I record it with this device because it records up to 30 hours
but it’s not just about the recording
this thing hooks to chatGPT right
and not only does it transcribe it
it completely summarizes every conversation I have
so at the end of the day
I can go back through all my notes of all my appointments
I can remind myself all those things that I said I was gonna remember
and I can actually take action right
actually take action which is important
I can also send the summarized version of my clients as well
which is completely awesome
now the other thing I love about this is the size
this thing actually hooks directly to the back of my phone
there’s a magnet on the back here
if your phone’s not magnetic
they send you a magnet to actually do
I wanna take this out of the case and show you
how small it is as well so look
if you don’t wanna have this on the back of your phone
you guys look how thin this thing is
it’s like the size of two or three credit cards
super thin so you can pack it anywhere that you want
put it in your front pocket
back pocket backpack
it’s not gonna get in the way
but I’m telling you right now
this thing is absolutely dangerous
for those who are willing to learn how to use it and use it properly
it just may be the thing that changes your business
you can grab it today on the TikTok shop
it’s on sale get them before they run out
you guys I’m telling you
it’s an amazing tool if you love AI
you wanna improve your business
this is where you can do it have a good day