Top 5 AI Coding Assistance Tools Right Now: A Comparative Review

here the top five AI coding assistance right now
so save this video bookmarket for later so you can check them out
and I’ve saved my favorite for last
#1 Claude artifacts
you have to enable it as a beta feature
and it will pretty much build out an entire front end for you
drop in a mock up from dribble or Figma and will build it all out
and does a really good job taking in the context of specific code based files
and suggesting how to update or debug code
#3 Zed.AIand just like Aider
does a really good job taking specific files from your code bases context
and suggesting edits that are accurate
without messing up a bunch of other things
#4 CoPilot probably the most well known
but I honestly don’t use it anymore because these alternatives are way better
#5 Cursor AImy current favorite
it’s an AI powered IDE that’s a fork of Visual Studio Code
it’s released a new beta feature called user
which automatically creates and edits multiple files at a time
so you don’t have to copy and paste back and forth
and however from a code quality and stability perspective
Ader Dot Chat and Z AI produce better results for me
but the user experience of Cursor AI is so seamless that I love it
it’s absolutely my favorite right now