Revolutionize Your Passive Income: Exploring AI-Powered Course Building Platforms

digital courses are an amazing way to make passive income that is scalable
you make it once and then you continue selling it forever
let’s say you make two courses and you average 30 course sales a month
with the average cost per course 39 99
monthly revenue of 2399 every single month
without having to do anything except continue marketing the course
but check out these three AI powered course builders
number one is Course Box AI
it includes an AI quiz generator
AI assessment rubric generator
curriculum generator training video generator
in addition to actually creating the course itself using AI
No. 2 is called course AI
put in the persona for your course
and it generates content tailored to that persona
No.3 is called Co
and just like the other two AI builders
it creates the contents and syllabus for your course and even edits it for you
so if you’ve been thinking about making a course
but you’re afraid it’s too much work
now you have no excuses check out these three AI powered course builders
Course Box Course AI and Co Assemble