Rose’s Life Story: A Unique Perspective through Names, Dates, and Memories

Rose’s bio is a central file
created to list accomplishments and highlights and memories in the life of Rose
and then she I didn’t know that she had two middle names and then her last her
my dad’s last name her final married name
but she had two middle names and three last names
born 2.4.53 to her parents
and then her grandparents names
delivered in an army hospital
my birth prevented dad I ha
okay just
this is a side note I do not like it when somebody is talking about their parent
and they just say dad or mom
put the my in there or the your or whatever
like identify who you’re talking about
that’s not my mother it’s not my father
she’s not gonna do that in here
and it’s gonna bother me
so I’m just letting everybody know that it already bothers me
my birth prevented dad from being shipped to war in Korea
Dad dropped mom off then proceeded around the building to admissions
where they already knew I was a girl
and by the time dad got back to see mom
she was eating lunch
what a trip
I was fast but have since slowed way down
so at 6 years old
entered first grade wearing a white dress with red and green strawberries on it
I was so scared
I’m almost sure about the dress
but I am positive that I was t3rrified
I guess I’m glad to have this documentation
I didn’t know that this existed
she like
forced my dad to write out something like this with like
with names and dates and I don’t know if he ever finished it
but he she was like
after him I remember them
you know and her saying how important it was
and so I know that that exists somewhere
but I didn’t realize or know if she did it herself
and so I’m glad that there’s like
names and dates and her scattered memories
but I also am like
it feels like it’s another angle into her
it’s like
a different tone
the baby notebook was one perspective
Joe Journal was one perspective
and like
this is like
a third angle in
so I guess I’m feeling a little like
and grateful to have the information but also
that’s all I have
I just have noises