Title: The Unexpected Bug Adventure: A Cat’s Unwelcome Gift

You guys, my fucking cat just brought in a bug.
Like, I thought she, like,
killed it, right?
And she, like,
dropped it off for me. She’s like,
here you go, mother.
Here’s a fucking bug. And I thought it was dead,
so I try to pick it up with a damn tissue.
Look, that.
That’s the tissue I try to pick it up with.
And as soon as I touched it with the tissue,
it started fucking moving and it ran away.
And now I don’t know where it is.
I don’t know where my cats are.
I hope they fucking killed it,
because I went outside onto my balcony to, like,
run away from this fucking thing,
and now they’re both, like,
on the hunt for this fucking bug,
and I really.
I don’t want to deal with it.
Is it here? You guys?
Is the bug in here? Where’s the fucking roach?
Is it under the bag?
Should I move it? Should I move this bag?
Did you kill it?
No, I.
I do not appreciate this.
You guys don’t ever have to bring back a bug for me,
like, ever again.
You really don’t have to do that anymore.