Understanding the Impact of AI on Programming Jobs: It’s Your Co-Workers, Not the AI, Who are Replacing You

okay so people are asking me
why are programmers losing their jobs to AI if AI sucks as a programmer
right so uh
there’s a couple of elements to this
first AI doesn’t really suck as a programmer
it’s pretty decent it’s
it’s advancing very quickly
um the other thing is it’s
it’s largely down to context right
so if you can give the AI a lot of context
then it can do a lot of the work for you
um the thing is
it’s not it’s not the AI that’s replacing you though
it’s your coworkers who are replacing you
it’s like if if
you know you have 15 points on your sprint right
and three devs they’re each gonna take five points
what happens if two devs can take 10 points [each]
then there’s no need for the third person
and so maybe you could do 20 points in a sprint instead
or 30 points right
and that’s cool if that’s what the budget is
but if it’s
we have a certain amount of work and it’s a certain amount of hours of work
or it’s a certain amount of like
you know
changes that can be reviewed due to compliance reasons or something like that
then you literally just need less programmers
so it depends on the industry
but no it’s not just scripters
like I wrote a robot that can self modify
and so it can create an entire machine learning layer
or like
you know visual interpretive layer or like another agent
um so it’s
it’s kind of every sector all at once
the one thing that is kind of bad at
I mean
every everything that it’s like
bad at somebody then goes and builds a product
and so then the shape of that product is
we made it good at this thing right
like if you tried that
you know v0.dev
it’s actually very excellent at like
a lot of the react components
it’s not the AI though
it’s not like they’re firing you and now a robot does your job
and a product manager just talks to a robot
it’s that there were 10 engineers and now we need seven
so it’s your co workers using AI
and it’s good code like
if you review it and you fix the two things that are wrong with it
and so it takes you 20% of the time that it took you before
like then it’s good code right
and it doesn’t need a lot of work to fix
so that’s the that’s the thing