Offering Discounts to Disabled Veterans: An Airbnb Host Dilemma

if you were an Airbnb host
would you offer a discount to a disabled veteran?
I’m part of this Facebook group for hosts
and a new host said that they were
asked for a discount from a disabled veteran
and since they were new to hosting
they didn’t know if they should or not
I’ve never encountered this either as a host
so I was just like reading the comments
to see what do other hosts do?
do they give the discount or not?
and a lot of hosts were saying they never discount for any reason
including to veterans
because they think people who ask for a discount
are the type that cause trouble
which honestly like
that’s kind of true in my experience
it is usually the guests that ask for a discount
or to check in early that cause problems
but that’s just SOME of the time
not every guest that wants a discount is gonna cause a problem
so I feel like that’s a little unfair
people are also saying
how do you know this person isn’t lying?
and just trying to get a discount out of you
which I can see their point I guess
how would you know?
but I guess couldn’t you just ask them for proof
like a picture of their military ID or something
most of the comments from hosts
were saying that they do give the discount
anywhere from 5% to 15% off
which is kind of what I was thinking too
like yes they could be lying to you to save some money
but I’m trying to maintain some hope in humanity here
and even if you lose 10% off that booking
it’s good karma for you
bad karma for them