Time-Bending Thrills: The Best Sci-Fi Time Travel Movies to Watch Now

These are five of the best SCI fi movies with time travel in them.
But before I get into it,
if you’re looking for TV shows and movies to watch,
hit the follow button. First up on the list is predestination.
This movie is about this team that solves crimes before they happen.
Kind of like the movie Minority Report,
except they take this to the next level.
This is one of those movies
where you sit there and think about it for 30 minutes later
trying to make sense of it all.
Crazy twists and time travel
done in a way that has you scratching your head and wondering
what it all means. Next up is an underrated movie called Time Trap.
If all these students that go to this cave
because their professor was exploring,
getting all lost, and they discover when they enter this cave
that time moves a lot differently in this cave
than it does in the real world.
And what I thought was going to be a very predictable movie
turned out to be nothing like that.
They took time dilation and time traveling to the next level.
Like I guarantee you don’t know where this movie is gonna go.
Great movie. Next is a movie called Source Code.
This is a very interesting one
because it follows Jake Johnson’s character
as he keeps waking up in somebody else’s body
in this train. You see
he’s part of this team that is trying to
Stop a crime on this train from ever happening
by making him relive that experience every day
in one of the train civilians lives.
This movie is beautiful, not talked about nearly enough
and has one of the coolest endings I’ve seen
in one of those day repeating movies ever.
Next is a movie called in the shadow of the moon.
Again, a movie that’s not talked about a lot,
but it follows this man who’s stopping this criminal.
And just when he thinks he stopped the criminal,
things get a little weird.
You see nine years later, the criminal resurfaces.
It shouldn’t be possible.
And this sends the detective in that case in a spiral.
And he notices that every 9 years this criminal keeps resurfacing
but has no clue how this is possible.
Very cool movie, very fun to watch
and very mind blowing with
when you find out how everything is happening.
And last on the list is about time.
This movie is a romance movie with time travel.
Yeah, never really seen something like this before.
But it follows this family
where the men in their bloodline are able to jump in time
and this man right here uses it to try to get the girl of his dreams.
This movie is, is just a beautiful watch.
They found a way to take the SCI fi theme
and turn it into this very beautiful,
beautiful heartfelt movie.
Has an all star cast including Rachel Mcadams and Margot,
Robbie and is all around just a very great watch.
And there you have it.
That’s five of the best time travel movies you can watch right now.
If there’s others you think I should have put on this list,
let’s talk about them in the comments.