Exploring the Latest AI Programs and Certifications in Singapore’s Higher Education Institutes

If you are looking to hop onto the a I bandwagon
there are five institutes of higher learning
which are offering eight new a I programmes
at the polytechnic level Republic
Polytechnic is offering a specialist diploma in Applied Generative
Artificial Intelligence
and two a I related microcredentials that are stackable.
They’re offering a specialist diploma
and at Singapore Polytechnic
they’re offering a course called Building Customised Generative a
I applications on Enterprise Data
and a course titled Machine Learning using Chat G P
t for Manufacturing Industry.
Perhaps I missed it but I couldn’t find any info on the s P
website at the time of filming.
At the university level s m
U will offer two advanced certificates as part of the Skillsfuture
Career Transition programme
or s C t P.
So they are the s C t P
Advanced Certificate in Generative a I for Business Analyst and the s
C t
P Advanced Certificate in Generative a
I for Digital Marketing Specialist.
It if you’re wondering what the s C t P is according to s s G
it’s a train and place programme
that supports mid career individuals
in acquiring industry relevant skills
to improve employability and pivot to new sectors or job roles
and trainees can expect to receive employment facilitation support
on top of the training. Lastly
s U s s and s U t d
are jointly offering the professional certification on Industry
Applications of Generative a I
and there’s three modules
In this professional cert,
starting with an introductory module to build a foundation,
then in the second module,
learners will acquire skills in coding
a workflow for Generative a I applications
based on a design framework.
And the third module will combine all that knowledge
and is designed to showcase how generative a I
can elevate narrative and content creation.