Empowering Independent Photojournalists: A New Era of Visual Storytelling

We’re seeing more and more independent journalists online.
There’s really great accounts
like under the desk news or Jessica Yellin,
who are providing, you know,
an independent look at the news directly to consumers.
And that got me thinking there should be a photographer,
or ideally photographers like that,
who are going to, like,
major events, they’re taking photos,
they’re covering things, they’re providing their own look at things.
People that can build a reputation
that we can get to know and trust for,
like a reliable, reputable, um,
source of photojournalism.
So putting that out there to somebody,
probably somebody, um,
young who’s maybe in school or just coming out of school.
And um, the.
The thing that might be difficult about this is that a lot of times
journalists are not business minded.
So you have to be a little bit business minded.
You’d have to be motivated to be self employed
and um, work is basically an influencer,
content creator who’s also a photo journalist.
And no, I’m not gonna do this because I have my own plans
and I don’t wanna just focus on news.
I got my own thing going on.
But I think this is a really great idea that could serve a.
A need. And um.
And I’m not talking about freelancers,
people who are taking photos and then selling them to news agencies.
I’m talking about people who are the news source.
People are coming to you to see the photos and Um,
get the. The news through your lens directly