Digital Legacy: Creating an AI Version to Stay Connected Beyond Death

A man found a way to stay with his wife after his passing
by creating an AI version of himself.
Here’s the story. Facing terminal cancer and with only weeks to live,
Michael Bomber’s friend from Eternals Dot Life,
offered him a chance to build an interactive AI
modeled after his persona.
Bomber quickly agreed, and his wife Annette supported the project.
The AI creation process had two main steps. First,
they replicated Bomber’s voice by recording 300 specific sentences,
capturing his unique speech patterns.
Second, they filled the AI with 150 stories from Bomber’s life.
These stories included advice,
childhood memories, and principles he valued.
Creating a comprehensive digital record.
Typically, this process would take weeks or months,
but due to time constraints,
Michael and Annette completed it in just a few days.
The resulting AI can answer personal questions
by drawing from a cloud of farmer’s recorded knowledge
to provide contextually relevant responses.
Farmer describes the AI as a digital memoir.
He aims to pass on his knowledge and experiences to future generations,
I want the next generations to inherit my experience and my knowledge
as much as possible. Annette also sees the AI as a practical tool.
She plans to use it to recall special memories
or to hear Bomber’s voice,
ensuring she can remember the significant moments they shared.
This AI offers Annette a way to keep a part of her husband with her
after his death. Would you digitize yourself
so that your loved Ones can keep a part of you after your passing.
Let us know in the comments.