Analyzing a Cracked Face: A Golf Tournament Referee’s Investigation

Make sure the face isn’t cracked.
And that’s why Sheffler went ahead.
That’s interesting.
So they’re gonna have a tournament referee come over. And
it’s got a significant shoulder.
I’m gonna need to get some more info on it.
I mean,
get someone else’s opinion on it.
I don’t think that’s enough yet.
That it’s. They.
They made the little saying.
It’s gotta be like folding in on itself.
What the.
Terribly rude.
No, I don’t want to.
Yeah, well,
I’ve got two heads in my locker.
well, um,
we’re gonna get someone else to look at it too.
Yeah. And see whether or not that’s.
I mean, you can see the split down there.
Hey, guys,
I got a crack in the middle of my face right now
on a driver head. I can see it
and I can feel it with my nails.
I’m going over it. Where we are
as far as the significance of that.
On being able to replace it.
This is a no brainer.
It’s very similar to what you are describing.
crack. And crack is not.
Constitutes replacing it. There’s no.
We don’t use any type of fingernail test.
Not. Not enough that my.
I mean, my opinion looking at it is.
Is that it’s probably not enough to.
To justify that. I can feel it with my nail.
About a half an inch crack right in the center of the face.
But obviously he would like to replace It.
He’s got. He’s got some clubs in the.
In the locker there.
It’s my opinion, for what it’s worth.
Yes, I know. It’s.
It’s Mike Peterson.
The picture.
It’s not a separation or a hole.
It’s. It’s not enough.
Alright, I think right now we’re gonna say no.
But what’s. Uh.
Peter, are you.
This is. This is towards eight and.
And take a look. Yeah,
it. It is a crack in the face.
But it’s got to be significant.
That’s ridiculous.
In order to replace another really dumb rule. Kevin,
how is a crack not significant?
Same people that made the rule.
We would be able to get your driver here right now.
No, no,
I know, I know,
I get it, but.
So we’re gonna have someone come.
Come take a look. I just want.
Yeah, yeah.
Hey, Peter.
Yeah, no, it’s.
It’s the working rule. Local rules.
Uh, we’re on the tee. Uh,
we’re gonna keep quiet. Um,
so are you gonna be able to open the door?
Just as it’s been taking us down, coming up the hole?