Confessions of a Shopaholic: The Daily Struggle of a Clothing Lover

Born to be someone who loves clothes.
Forced to be someone who will fill out a cart in every
single shopping website on my laptop,
but refuses to click check out
because I know that I’m not going to be able to buy it.
Forced to be someone who has to plan an outfit every single morning
even though
they know that outfit is not going to be the same one they try out
in the morning. And then they’re gonna have to like
sit there for 10 minutes and with a pile of clothes on the floor
and try to make a new one.
Forced to be
someone who will spend more time trying to find the cute top
that they saw on their Instagram
that the girl didn’t link
then I will doing my own homework.
Forced to be someone who will pick up a top everywhere I go
and be like oh
I need this, I want Instagram pictures in this
and then put it back when I see that it’s over $40.
Forced to be someone who will make any excuse to go go to the mall
and go shopping if I see there’s a sale.
I just. I’m,
you know, born to be a clothing lover.