Clutch Moments and High Stakes: A Recap of the College World Series Game 3

First pitch of the winner take all Game 3. And as he does, it’s in there for a strike for Hovax. Left the yard. It looks like Lafayette got healthy yesterday. A couple hits, including a Homer. Back on the mount tonight. Zander Secrecy is the senior, 62 buck 93 at a beer for Georgia. The one, two.

That would be at all.

There are his numbers on the full count. Got him there and there are two down as he catches LA Violette upfront swinging at. A big part of it is ability to decelerate the fastball.

Not afraid to pound his own.

Appell on the ground is second more charges, he has time and he.

Will make the play. And he’s been incredibly clutch during this College World Series. I coming in, I’m not sure if Texas AM at am knew exactly what they were gonna get, more a.

Superstar to start this whole thing off. And then Burke, who’s been vendors, he said, I have thought about winning a national championship almost every day for the last three years. That ball is pulled down the line and it is wanna start for the malls. As more leaves the yard, it’s one nothing Tennessee. There is a little bit of that light tower power, and we’ve seen already from more in this series. He hits for the cycle.

52% of the runs at this Tennessee team scores are from the whole broad. All four last night.

The head again, 1,2, and that one is in direct. That’s gonna get down and a couple of pitches left up. One left the building.

Now the top two, I don’t know if there’s a better 1,2 punch in all of college baseball. This is how they get it started. Boys and orange have been hot all the way through this NCA run.

And now he will stop. A four pitch walk. That’s a critical number, those two appearances you’re talking about both came against the Gators. Is warming in that bullpen swinging a mess? So much better at bat that time for Lampkin as Ensley is gone and now there are two down. Obviously, the.

Outcome is good there, but I like the pitch calls.

Swings. And now the shortstop camera Rio’s going over and nobody’s gonna get it. Tier slow roller getting over there to cover Lankan on the underhand flip. It’s all about the SEC. For the third time in the last four years, they’re the last conference standing, the DH, and he just reached out to serve that in a left field. He will be aboard.

Hayden shot with his seventh hit of this World Series. Heading back, Inslee, he will be there. And just like that, Buck 76, he’s got three hits here. Nope. Secrets. That a 1,2,2 to Cameroo, 3 and 2 with Kaden Kent on deck on a 3,2. And he got him to chase first title in school history for either one of these first No. 1 seed of Tennessee can win since 1999. I think you’ll give a chance. Hopefully 2,2. Not yet. Gotten a hit here in Omaha. Swing in a miss. He pulled a string there and that’s the second strike out for Lampkin.

He’s almost using that slider like a changer.

Big fly. They just call the pitch clock violation on Lampkin. 3,2, way inside. That is a walk. That guy out there and I’m gonna win it. Burton is there. He will make the play. And this one is to left center field and it is hanging up there in a nice running catch for Dylan drilling. How about a little Two Strike bunch? Really safe at first and they throw it away. He’s gonna head to second, a two stride fund from Chestnut and he is in it scoring position. You don’t see that Murphy often. He’s going to third on the off speed pitch, the throw down and he is at third base. Travis Chestnut, speed and wheels have paid off. Emmick.

Turns into it catcher. At this.

Point, there is a man who knows all about Omaha. Jim Schlas Nagel took a whole bunch of TCU teams here, Rahovac kits that over the head of Amy and Chestnut is gonna score. It is 1 to 1. Gavin Grahovack drives him in.