Silver Chains and Icy Vibes: Day 238 of the Hard Photo Challenge

Day 238 of trying to take a hard photo every single day all year.
So my camera for today was my Canon R6,
and the lens I’d be using along with it
was my 50 millimeter prime lens.
Today was one of those days where I’m a little bit in a rush,
so I’m just looking around my room
to see if I could find anything interesting that’ll spark an idea.
And that’s when I saw my Little Silver piggy bank.
I have never once used this to hold coins.
And even though it’s, like,
cheap plastic covered in glitter,
it kind of looks cool. It’s.
I mean, it’s a little icy.
And that’s when the idea hit.
What if I made this piggy bank into,
like, an absurdly large chain?
Speaking of which, I have chains.
I used to work construction.
So in my room, I have a bunch of, like,
tools and hardware, and one of the things that I have is a chain.
And once I attached it, I mean,
it did look pretty good, but I had to take it a step further.
Of course, I wore a ton of silver rings,
put a piece of tin foil in my mouth to act as, like,
a grill, and set up my camera on a tripod in my bathroom.
Because my bathroom has these disco lights in them.
I took a few photos framed for my ribs to right under my nose
and sent those into Lightroom.
Really? Wanted to give it a vintage film vibe,
that same kind of vibe that those AI images give
to those people with grills.
That’s what I was going for.
Then I made some masks around my jewelry to brighten those up.
And as a final touch,
I threw it into Photoshop to add an extra little of glow or like,
some light blue halation. And with that,
this is my hard photo of the day.
Let me know what you guys think down in the comments below,
and I will see you all tomorrow.