Rise of the Pharaoh: Fashion that Inspires Mental Health Awareness and Faith

Hey, family and friends.
So I want to come on here today
and talk a little bit about my clothing line.
It’s called rise of the Pharaoh,
and I’ve had it for a little over or a little less than six months.
And within this clothing line,
I want to express and bring awareness to mental health
and just read positive messages on each T-shirt
and just bring awareness to what our minds are
and just being stronger than what our minds,
you know, give us the thoughts that we have.
The depression, the dyslexia, depression,
the anxiety that fills. I just wanted to make fashion
to inspire others to want to be better every day.
And I also start to inquire our Heavenly Father
and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
and my. The clothing line.
And I have some really cool Christian shirts
that I think that you guys would adore and love.
They’re all original and some are not so original,
but more common.
But I do try to make all my designs as original as possible.
if you guys can take the time out of your day to go check out my page,
all you have to do on my website is click the profile
and click the link in the bio
and it’ll bring you straight to the website
and then you’ll have. You’ll see all 10 of my designs
or 11, cause I just created 2.
So if you guys wanna go check This out.
I would love your support.
I love your support and just wanting to build others up
and spreading awareness to not just mental health,
but bringing more people into Christianity
and bringing more people to god and Jesus
and just telling them that they’re loved
and they’re loved by our god and our Lord and savior.
So, heck yeah.
I love you guys so much, and thanks so much for all your support.
Thank you so much for being you guys and being so kind,
being so genuine, being so sweet.
You guys mean the world to me,
and there wouldn’t be another audience I’d rather make happy, smile,
laugh, and just be a family with.
So I love you guys and stay blessed,
stay beautiful, and don’t forget to check out the website.
That would mean the world to me.
So have a great day, guys. Bye.