Rebooting My Computer Science Freshman Year: Reflecting on Internships, Club Involvement, and Academic Priorities

Here’s how I would restart my computer science freshman year.
One apply for internships.
I always hear about freshman not applying
because they don’t have enough experience,
but honestly
as a freshman it wouldn’t even be about getting an internship.
It would just be to understand the process of like aways and like
interviews and stuff so that you’d be
or I would be prepared next year.
Number two go to more computer science related clubs.
My freshman year the only club that I did was ultimate Frisbee,
and right now I don’t know a lot of people at Stevens who are like
really interested in computer science.
So I feel like if I went to those clubs
I would have met more people who are genuinely interested and No. 3
probably focus on my GPA less.
Unfortunately my brain was molded to believe
that GPA was the only thing that mattered,
so that was the only thing that I focused on my freshman year.
Now I realize there’s a lot more factors that contribute to success,
but yeah, I feel like my time in my freshman year
could have been better allocated
if it wasn’t all allocated to my GPA.
Anyways, that’s all the regrets I guess I have.
Um, other than that
I would say
I think I’m pretty happy with what I did in my freshman year.
But you guys got it! If you’re an incoming CS major,
be sure to follow and I have a discord If you want to join it.
And I’ll see you guys later.