Inspiring Resilience: Addressing Hurtful Comments and Promoting Inclusivity in Education

So there was a comment posted on my live yesterday
that I feel like I need to address
because although a lot of people did not see this,
I posted it on my Instagram story,
and I feel like I need to spread awareness to what was said.
And I’m not gonna lie, it really,
really bothered me yesterday.
I’m gonna post the comment above me,
and let me just start by saying that I do not,
in any way, shape,
or form, condone what that person said.
If you were on my live yesterday,
you. Who saw how I reacted,
and I tried to be as calm as possible,
but it really, really,
really, really upset me.
Because there is no difference between a child who has special needs
or a learning disability and a child who does not.
And with that being said, someone came into my D M.
Yesterday after I posted the comment,
and they wrote this. And this truly,
like, opened my eyes,
and I needed to share this with everyone.
Kids are kids. Whether they have a learning disability or not,
they are all the same.
And I’m gonna say that again,
they are all the same.
And if you have that mindset that they’re not
and that they’re different or that they’re not regular,
don’t be a teacher, period.