Title: Exploring the Exciting New Adventure Mode and Revamped Combat System in the Zombie Survival Game

Okay, so we’re talking about the front again.
This was the game that was similar to Daisy that released last year.
Now, it didn’t hit the Mark,
but they’re releasing a new adventure mode.
And I talked a bit about it earlier,
but now they’ve dropped a big ass video showing it off,
and it actually looks really fucking cool.
It seems like they’re taking single player elements
and mixing them with the whole kind of daisy experience.
Uh, but they revamped the melee combat.
There’s quest. You get tier unlocks from hunting boss monsters.
Uh, it looks fairly fucking cool.
I wasn’t sure if we were going to try it,
but now that I’ve seen it in action, um,
this looks pretty fucking cool.
Now the question is, can we put a server together to do this?
I’m thinking about dedicating a couple of hours a night
checking it out, deep diving it,
seeing if it’s worth giving another chance.
I always want to give a zombie survival game another chance.
Uh, it.
It’s built into me.
I play pretty much every zombie game that has ever been made,
so I. I feel like I have to go back and check it out.
Especially with the melee combat being so fucking cool.
Uh, we’re also gonna do some 7 days to die
sometime in the next couple of months,
uh, when things calm down with our day Z run.
But yeah,
the more I’m seeing of this,
the Way that they’ve revamped the combat system,
added new bosses. Uh,
they’ve made it kind of like a progression system.
It’s similar. It seems a lot like a the V rising,
you know, the vampire game
where you would have to hunt bosses
in order to unlock new tech and gear.
It seems like that’s what you’re gonna have to do.
So maybe they’re focusing on, like,
a smaller player base instead of the big,
massive battles. Because I don’t think that they pulled that kind of, uh,
player base. So
they’ve refocused on this adventure mode
that you play with your friends,
which I think is pretty fucking cool and could be some fun.
So we’re gonna check it out and maybe do some fun stuff with it.
If you wanna join us. Or, uh,
you think that you. This might be a good fit for you,
say something down below.