Fantasy Film Frenzy: Ranking the Top 10 Fantasy Movies!

My top 10 fantasy movies. Let’s take Lord of the rings,
and we’ll just put it over here for now.
It’s the best, obviously.
I know it’s the best. I just.
Not even on the list. There never were movies this good.
There will never be movies this good.
So they’re just over here now.
At No. 10, we’ve got the never ending story.
This movie is pretty campy,
and it doesn’t hold up super well,
but it’s not getting out of the top 10.
Who am I kidding? It doesn’t hold up at all.
But it’s very. It’s really good.
If you haven’t seen it’s gotta be in here.
It’s just gotta be in here.
Coming in at No. 9, the surprise.
Surprisingly good. Chronicles of Narnia.
The Lion, the witch,
and the wardrobe.
I haven’t really watched the other ones over and over again
like I have this one, but this one’s awesome.
This movie is way better than it has any right to be.
Wow. No. 8,
how to train your Dragon. I don’t have kids,
but if I did, I’d show them these movies.
They’re amazing. At No. 7,
we have Pans Labyrinth.
Easily one of the weirdest movies on this whole list.
This movie is considered a modern classic,
and I really agree with it.
It’s creepy as hell. It’s like a weird,
twisted Alice in Wonderland.
And it gets dark. Really dark.
Coming in at number six is hero.
I don’t know if a Lot of people would consider this fantasy.
I personally would, even though it’s not set in a secondary world.
Look, if you have not seen this movie,
go watch this movie.
It’s literally one of the best movies I’ve ever seen.
Oh, my god.
From the second you start it till the second it’s over,
your eyes are glued blew to the screen.
It is a cinematic masterpiece.
And you’ll see why I call it fantasy when you watch it.
I think number five is labyrinth,
starring the amazing David Bowie.
And also Jennifer Connelly.
But David Bowie. David Bowie throws a baby in the air in this movie,
and he can get away with it.
It’s fine. He wrote the soundtrack.
It’s just. Ah.
Number four. Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
Movies from decades ago aren’t as funny today to me
as they must have been years ago,
but this one definitely is.
The humor in this is perfect.
It’s one of the most quotable movies in the world.
Strange women lying in ponds,
distributing swords is no basis for a system of government,
Prem. Executive power comes from a mandate from the masses,
not some Fassbender aquatic ceremony.
That’s my British accent. I’m never doing another one.
I’m sorry. Number three,
The Dark Crystal. This movie is a test of friendship.
It’s a test of love. I want you to put your friend or your new partner
and plop them down in front of this movie.
And If they come away from it and they don’t like it,
you need to leave. This is,
in my opinion, one of the true masterworks of fantasy cinema,
and I will fight anybody that disagrees with me.
Number two Spirited Away.
I don’t. I wanted to put more than one Ghibli movie on here.
But seriously, Spirited Away is,
in my opinion, so much better then all the other Ghibli movies.
And I really love all of the other ones.
I know that a lot of people fight for Princess Mononoke.
I love that movie. But Spirited Away,
in my opinion, is the best thing Studio Ghibli has ever made.
And my favorite used to be Nasuada of the valley of the wind,
but Spirited Away just. It just comes out on top.
No.. 1.
Maybe I’m just in a silly,
goofy mood today, but The Princess Bride takes it.
This, in my opinion,
is as close as you can get to a perfect fantasy movie.
It’s all the emotional high points,
doesn’t take itself too seriously,
super immersive. This is like my favorite movie.
It’s. It’s my favorite movie.
Lord of the rings is just over here.
With his arms crossed like, ha!
No, it’s not Evan, it’s.