Title: Navigating the PhD Journey: A Parable of Writing with ChatGPT and Perplexity

okay so on top of this PhD journey
I’m also writing a book
and I think I’m gonna have to write another one about this journey
but the book I’m writing is actually a parable
and I’m writing it with the assistance of ChatGPT
but it’s not writing the chapters for me
I’m gonna show you how I’m using ChatGPT and perplexity
so I uploaded my draft to perplexity
and asked it to give me some feedback on my draft
and this is what it came up with
I also wanna make the book interactive
and these are the ideas that it gave me
which are pretty good now
I like perplexity because it
it’s able to search the internet and give me some valid data and some sources
it can cite the source and so as I continue to write my book
I will have it review sections to give me some ideas on like
structure and organization
the one area I really struggle with
is the front matter and back matter of a book
so I’m gonna have it help me with that too
my goal is to have this book done by like
end of September so I’ll keep you posted