Photographing the Good Guys: A Day in the Life of Officer Nolan

Excuse me, officer.
Hi, my name is Nolan.
I’m a photographer. I’ve seen you before.
Yeah. Just wondering if I can take photos of you.
Yeah, of course.
Just go like right around here.
See that? Where that lizard is?
Yeah. Just kind of bring your car to an angle right there.
Have it facing this way. Okay.
Right on this line. And I’ll have it with the car in the background.
And then I’ll get one right next to your mirror.
Okay. And I’ll get one right at the rear tire.
Just lean your back up against it.
Same thing as this one. And then just put your foot up onto the tire.
Awesome. Let’s see what you think.
Wow, man,
you got a best camera. Thank you.
Wow. Came out pretty good, huh?
Impressive, man.
Thank you. I love your work, brother.
Thank you. Oh,
you can get my number if you want.
Yeah, I’ll.
I’ll send you the photos. Wait,
what’s your number? Seven,
eight, six.
Yes, sir.
You know about coins? I know you do. Dude,
I have a whole drawer of coins, man.
Here you go. Uh.
Oh my god. Thank you.
Oh, that one’s cool too.
The K9 one. Oh,
thank you, man.
Alright, brother.
Nice to meet you, man. Nice to meet you too.