2024 Tire Pressure Sensor Review: Ensuring Safety on the Road for Your Trailer

honestly tell me why I took the 2024
to get tire pressure sensors for your trailer
I feel like that’s a massive safety issue
that should have been addressed a long time
it is so hot out here so you know your tires are feeling it
just select the tire you’re trying to pair
screw on the sensor and don’t forget to tighten it down with the wrench
and there you got it 35 psi
it comes with four sensors
so it doesn’t matter if you have a single axle or dual axle
and I use these for my boat and trailer
the control box is solar charged or USB
and just sits right on your dash so you can watch it while you’re driving
I’ll leave the TikTok Shop link down below
because last thing you wanna do is blow a tire on your trailer
because you didn’t have the right tire pressure to begin with