Chiropractic Success: Restoring Mobility and Relief in the Neck

No one’s been able to move this neck.
You can love a good challenge, right?
He really believes in me. Definitely tight in here.
Oh yeah. Wow.
It hasn’t moved in. It’s been 18 months.
18 months? Yeah.
Nothing out of this side. Nothing.
It felt great.
Oh, okay.
That’s the bad side, isn’t it?
So let’s try one more time here.
All right. We got some work to do on that side.
You’re gonna love this one.
You just work your magic breath in for me.
And out.
Oh, I love it.
Oh, do you hear that?
That felt good. How far down you feel that?
All the way. All the way down.
So mid back here. Just nice to relax for me.
Look up just a little bit for me.
Oh my god.
There it is. Yeah,
there we go. What do you think?
How’s that neck feeling? I love it.
This is step one, so we’re gonna keep working on it.
I’m gonna be a full time patient here.