100 Games That I Like the Most: A Subjective List

The 50 Greatest Games of all Time
50 Games? That’s adorable.
Let’s do 100
greatest of all time lists are boring cause you gotta be all objective.
Oh, this is why breath of the Wild’s No. 8.
Go fuck yourself. So here’s 100 games that I like the most
because I just do. No..
100 true Crime streets of LA
some people would say it’s just a GTA clone.
I say to that. Why are you speaking?
This game did the LA landscape justice
before San Andreas even came out.
No.. 99 Sunset riders
you young bucks look at this and see bad graphics and boring gameplay.
I see cinema. Me and my homie used to go dumb at the arcade on this one.
I still hop on emulators to this day and live out my cowboy dreams.
98 the forest you got screaming cannibals,
dead kids, base building,
and giant flying wiener monsters.
And you’re trying to tell me a game where you smack blocks is more fun?
97 satisfactory. I’ve talked about this game on here already,
and if you’ve watched that video and still never played the game,
you’re a bozo. And 96 we have left for Dead 2
fighting zombies with your friends today!
That sounds like a basic concept for a game in 2,009.
It changed world politics forever.
Go eat some protein, little guy.