Recent Pickups Haul: New Wardrobe Additions and Styling Tips

Yes, guys,
apologies for the inconsistency.
Recently, I was moving house.
I was hella busy with doing that stuff.
But as you can tell by the new background,
I’ve moved. Now everything’s patterned.
So let’s get straight into a recent pickups video.
First up, we got this T-shirt that I picked up from 99 by JMS.
I needed some colour in my wardrobe for the summer
and this was perfect, I can’t lie.
This is how the shirt fit.
Hey, where’s my mic?
This is how the shirt fits me.
Usually it comes a little bit longer than this.
I got it like shorter so it fits to waist.
The graphic on it is cold.
I like how it fits. 10 out of 10.
Next up, we got these jorts that I picked up.
If you know me, you know I’m a big jorts advocate.
This might be one of my favourite pairs, honestly.
I like this graphic on the back at the colour and I like how they fit.
Next up, I got a package from above the rest.
This is the first piece.
It’s like a T-shirt with like a long sleeve underlayer.
This is probably how I’d style this one,
with some baggy shorts and some timbs,
you get me?
Can see myself wearing this into like the autumn slash winter.
Hey, this top even got the matching trousers.
My brother Hamza. Hey,
attention to detail, man.
Listen, all you brands take note when you’re sending stuff.
Don’t just send it like a robot, bro.
Personalized message means a lot.
Next up, we got this T-shirt that I picked up from D M O. Stores.
Dreamers make opportunities, bro.
If you’re a dreamer, make that opportunity yourself, man.
This is how the T-shirt fits.
Same thing again. This one came a little bit longer.
Tailored it to fit to waist.
This is just how I like my t shirts to fit.
You get me 10 out of ten. Last but not least,
I got these mesh shorts that I picked up from Ultra Light.
We Roll. I can’t really be bothered to put these on right now,
and I like the length as well.
Nice and baggy.
You can kinda wear these on a casual day with a tank top or something.
Tried something new with the mic.
See how it goes with this video.
Let me know. Give me some feedback.
Do you guys like it? Do you not?
That’s it for this video, though.
I’ll catch you guys in the next one, love.