9 Lucrative Career Opportunities for Those Seeking Non-Traditional Paths

One of my good friend reached out to me last week.
Um, we used to work together in one of the previous company
where I used to work. I think that was my second company uh,
when I started my career. Um,
his daughter is 19, 20 year old now
and um, she didn’t finish her college.
And right now
she doesn’t have any clue what she wants to do in her career yet.
She wants to make 25+. She doesn’t want to do the job where um,
you know, minimum pay wage,
people pay. So I created a list for her.
I thought it would be good to share with some of you guys
because I get lots, lot of messages from either recent graduates
or who are still going to college
or who are not going to college
because they don’t want to study further
and still want to make a decent amount of money.
So here are nine things I found um.
Which might be helpful. Pick based on what your um,
interests are or skill set are.
None of them has a huge learning curve.
There will be some,
but that’s why I’m saying if you have interest in that,
you will be able to pick it up quicker.
So let’s just dive into it.
So um. And.
And this is no particular order.
These are just nine positions which I thought would be good for her
and maybe for some of you guys who are Making minimum payment
or not making money at all.
Um, first is virtual assistant.
Um, majority of virtual assistants are offshore right now.
If you see the total number of people who are um,
working as a virtual assistant.
But a lot of people have faced an issue with virtual assistant
hiring offshore. That they don’t know about American culture
as much as you would want them to know.
I have hired a couple in my past as well and they were good.
I mean, they were able to do the job done.
But I thought if um, if I can pay a little bit more, uh,
and they in US, they are making around 30 an hour, um,
and if they are in the US and if I can pay them around 30 an hour, um,
I would be able to. But there weren’t many people,
but now I see a lot of people.
But basically virtual assistant,
you need to like organize, task, communicate.
You need to be a little bit of a tax heavy, right?
You need to be detail oriented, uh,
multitaskers because a lot of things could be thrown at you. Um,
and if you can do that,
I think virtual assistant would be a good position for you.
Second is freelance writer.
Um, I know with AI and ChatGPT and um,
Gemini and um, other platforms, um,
you people don’t need as many writers.
But if you are a writer in a particular field, Right.
So, um,
let’s say if I want to write about nursing, I.
I would rather have a nurse search on this platform or use this A I.
Platform to help her write,
she can proofread, and then she can help me publish.
Right. So knowing a particular skill set,
if you are in sports, if you are in travel, um,
whatever your hobby is. Right.
If you are good at writing, um,
and if that’s your expertise or interest,
I think freelancer writer still has a value,
which AI cannot completely replace.
At least next couple of years, I feel.
Third position is online tutor.
It’s still
decent amount of,
you know, hourly rate job.
Like, people pay up to 60 an hour.
Depends on what you are teaching. Um,
and you need to have that particular subject, expertise,
of course, patience and communication skills.
Um, but if it suits, if.
you like teaching. Right.
If teaching is your interest and passion,
then you can make decent amount of money.
Um, the fourth one is graphic designer.
Um, people use Adobe Creative Suits or Figma
or based on what kind of graphic you want to create, or,
you know, Canva.
There are a lot of tools which you can use and,
you know, create good content for.
For the articles, for marketing material or all those kind of things.
So if you are artistic visually,
then I think that’s a. That’s a good job for you.
Number Five is social media manager.
Um, everybody wants to be a Youtuber nowadays, right?
So if you are good with the social media,
if you. And,
you know, there is a very easy way to prove if you are good or not.
If you have your own social media channel and it’s doing decent,
and if you are creating a content which people likes,
that’s an easy curve to adopt
if you have some interest.
Even though you don’t have your own channel,
you have worked in other places and you have helped other people,
it’s still a decent job, which can pay up to 35 an hour.
Number six is video editor.
This one is by far, um,
you know, required nowadays
because creating interesting video is difficult.
Like I do content creation,
I don’t go in too much, um,
detail about how the video should look like,
because for me, it’s more educational than, um,
you know, flashy lighting and stuff.
But even for educational, I.
I should have
probably hire some video editor who can make it a little bit better,
right? So video editor,
if you like, you know,
editing, if you have that creative,
visual storytelling skill,
that’s a good job for you.
Number seven is translator.
I know a lot of people are thinking that A I.
Will replace it, but right now I’m trying so many A I.
Tools for. To see if it really conveys the message in English
versus my native Language,
it doesn’t. It, it,
it feels like it’s translating 60, 70,
80% of it, but it, it,
it doesn’t have the same, um,
you know, uh,
emotions. What I’m trying to convey
if I use just online translator. Um,
so there are a lot of translator job which pays from 25 to 50 an hour,
um, but you need to be fluent on both of those languages
which you are trying to help translate.
Now, No. 8 is interesting.
There is little bit of learning curve,
but it’s not that difficult. Um,
it’s a bookkeeper job, um,
and it pays good. Like,
I hired a bookkeeper for myself from upward,
and I paid 40 an hour, and she was decent, uh,
she wasn’t like master of, um,
you know, bookkeeping. Um,
but you need to learn, uh,
quick books or other softwares like that. Um,
and yeah, you need to be detail oriented
and need to understand a little bit of accounting. Um,
if you understand that, it’s uh,
fairly, um,
it’s comparatively easier thing to learn if you have interest in.
In that particular area. And No. 9, um,
this one was interesting for me as well.
I didn’t know this job existed as much,
but when I did my research, um,
search engine evaluator.
So people hire search engine evaluators
or companies hire to, you know,
help rank the, or train the AI system to what answers they will need.
Or even,
you know, go into a Little bit of search algorithms as well.
And the task can vary company by company and the role you do.
But it is also one of the good job
which I think it will grow as you know,
more AI platform will emerge for a niche markets.
So here are the nine things.
I’ll put a screenshot of the article as well at the end, um,
after finishing my article.
And good luck!
And please share it with anybody who doesn’t have a college degree
or doesn’t want to have a long learning curve
but want to do any of this job.
And if you want to hear anything
or for any particular position in detail
or have any other question,
feel free to message and I’ll try to answer when I can.
Alright, thanks guys.
Please um, follow and share if you can. Thank you.