Cracking the Clues: Jose Monkey’s Video Geolocation Adventure

Find me, Jose Monkey.
You asked me to figure out where this video was recorded,
so I did. Hi,
I’m Jose Monkey, and I find people who ask to be found.
This person tried to entice me
by opening their video with this statement.
So I wanna buy one of those T shirts that says,
Jose Monkey found me. So
find me, Jose Monkey.
Fair enough.
You can’t get a Jose Monkey found me shirt if I don’t find you.
Well, I mean,
technically, you could get one.
Don’t let me stop you. But I think most people would agree
that the finding should probably come first in this little workflow.
So let’s see if we can help this person move the process along.
So what can we see? After they ask to be found,
they flip the camera around and give us this lovely,
unobstructed view. Well done.
And once again, we’re in a parking lot.
The person zooms in to show us this building across the road here,
but I couldn’t really make out what this logo was.
They turn the camera, and next we can see this sign,
which says Pro log something.
And there’s a sign here that I believe says Business Center.
And above that, it looks like something has been painted over.
We can also see this building off in the distance.
And I tried to read this logo here,
but I was having some trouble with it.
I’ll come back to that in A minute.
We can briefly see that
it looks like there might be some mountains off in the distance here,
but it’s not really very clear.
And after that, we see a whole lot of nothing.
We’ve got this other building here and some of these swift trucks.
And then finally,
we can see the building that’s very close to the person.
I noticed that these doors here are numbered.
And we’ve also got a couple of dumpsters here.
Yo, it’s like they always say,
man, the trash doesn’t fall far from the can.
Nobody says that, Chad. Whatever.
Okay, so
it didn’t take me too long
to figure out that this logo was for Prologis.
They are a commercial real estate company,
and they have properties all over the place.
So that wasn’t going to help me narrow this down.
I wasn’t having much luck with the logos on the other buildings,
but I decided to focus on the dumpster.
I could see that the dumpster had a logo from Republic Services.
It also had a phone number,
but it was a bit difficult to make out.
But after some trial and error,
searching for different phone numbers that I thought might be right,
I got a result, and it was for this random town in Colorado.
It was a page all about their public utilities,
and it talked about their trash services,
which were provided by Republic Services.
And the phone number there seemed to match what I’ve Seen
on the dumpster. Okay,
so this is probably Colorado,
which was plausible, given the mountains.
So I started looking at prologist locations in Colorado,
and I saw one right away called Stapleton Business Center,
and I thought that might be it,
but when I brought up the Street View,
it didn’t look quite right.
The building was very similar,
but none of the other landmarks were there.
I looked at a few other locations,
but I wasn’t finding it. So
I decided to circle back
and try to look at those logos on those other buildings again.
And after some squinting,
I determined that I thought this one said lifetime.
Now, that wouldn’t have been very helpful at the very start,
but now that I knew this was in Colorado,
I thought maybe I could look for businesses with lifetime in the name
in Colorado. So that’s what I did.
And before too long,
I found a business called Lifetime Windows and siding.
That logo looked like a match,
so I looked up where they were,
and when I brought it up on Google Maps,
the building wasn’t even there.
But I knew almost immediately
that this building that we see across the road from that location
was going to be the right place.
And, guys, that was it.
You’re right here at the Prologis Business Center in Denver, Colorado.
So remember that Stapleton Business Center that I checked?
Well, that was actually the right place.
Sort of what I Didn’t realize
is that the building that I checked
is actually just one of very many similar looking buildings
in a large campus. The spot where this video was recorded
is actually about a mile and a half southwest of that main address.
I use Google Street View to confirm the details.
Here’s the Business Center sign.
We also have this view down the parking lot.
And of course, we can see the dumpster that helped us find this place.
By the way, that sign that I couldn’t figure out across the road said
floor and decor. Okay,
it’s time to check which previous location is closest to this one.
And guys, we gotta go way back for this,
because the closest location is actually in Season 1,
episode 5. Only the fifth video I ever did.
That’s a little more than 4 miles,
or about 7 kilometers
away from the spot I posted that video on October 31st, 2022.
Thank you so much for playing my silly little game.
If you are interested in picking up a Jose Monkey Found me shirt
or anything else from the store,
make sure you use this code.
If anybody else wants me to find them,
record a video where you say find me
Jose Monkey or something like that on camera.
Or hold up a sign that says something similar.
And don’t forget to tag me in a comment on that video.