Binge-Worthy Weekly Watch Reviews: From Jackpot to Fright Fest – What to Watch, Add, and Miss

welcome to Weekly Watch Reviews
a series whereby
I give you a very quick run through of everything I’ve watched
this week this series includes TV shows
timeless classics the latest releases
and everything else in between
so you know what to watch
what to add to the watchlist
and what to miss
make sure to hit that follow button for more reviews and recommendations
first of this week we got Amazon Prime’s latest release Jackpot
I did not enjoy the pairing between John Cena and Awkwafina
I just didn’t think it worked
the comedy just did not hit new
from Apple TV we got the instigators
which looking at it you think it’d be great
it’s got Matt Damon and Casey Affleck
but straight away I just knew this was not gonna be it
story was too predictable and it just didn’t work
it was way too long I watched the Crow this week
the 1994 version not the new one
and I can see why there’s such a huge following to this film
after reading about what happened in this film with Brandon Lee
I think remaking a new one was just really distasteful and really disrespectful
finally got around to watching Sydney Sweeneys
Immaculate had those good parts
but for me I just didn’t think it was that great and quite boring
finally got around to watching Happy Gilmore
I can see why this is just such a fan favourite
I had a great time with this film
and I’m excited for the second one
bring it on I’m a huge office fan
and I saw that this was added to Netflix this week
so I was very interested to see what BJ Novak cooked up with vengeance
for me a very strong directorial debut
and I’m excited to see what he brings
this is a great film I love the first one
but the second one for me
just fell flat I didn’t really enjoy this
it didn’t have its suspense and the horror that the first one did
biopics there’s such a hit or miss for me
and I watched a couple this week
and this one just was not it
it was really boring and as much I love Bob Marley’s music
I just didn’t enjoy this film
another 2024 release for Netflix
and this is just another netflixified film that just sunk
I don’t enjoy the pairing between Halle Berry and Mark Walhberg
I think it’s just very forced and the plot is just very predictable
Got round to watching Ford versus Ferrari this week
and Christian Bale is easily one of my favourite actors of all time
and he was phenomenal in this film
the pairing between him and Matt Damon was just perfect
I love this one definitely check it out
I went to Fright Fest this week
thank you to signature for the invite
but for me I didn’t really enjoy this film
I’m always honest with my reviews
and for this this was just all over the place
I’m all for disaster films of this was just all over place and not for me
last night I finally got round to watching Elvis
Austin Butler deserves all the credits of the film Tom Hanks
it’s now on prime if you haven’t seen it
go and check it out what have you watched this week
let me know in the comments
and be sure to follow for more reviews and recommendations