Voice Recording Setup: Using Microphones for Better Quality

Is your voice AI or real?
So a few people in my Project Psycho figure video thought I was AI,
but um, clearly you can tell I’m a real human being.
So I am not A. I.
I am just using a microphone to record the voice overs.
My voice can be higher pitched if I want to,
or I can make it a much lower pitch,
but usually my voice is naturally quite monotone
in my opinion.
This is how my voice sounds like if I just use my phone’s microphone.
Like nothing plugged in, so it doesn’t sound bad,
but I feel like you can definitely hear the difference
when I plug this into my phone
as opposed to just using my phone’s microphone.
This guy
right here is a blue Yeti microphone that I picked up years ago
for YouTube. Like probably like around seven years,
so it lasts a really long time.
I have some other microphones too
that I’ve used for podcasting and other things,
but this works really well for your TikTok.
I’ve been really enjoying the quality of my voice whenever I do use it.