Revolutionizing Consumer Computing in 1999: The Power of Colors and Innovation

We’ve spent the last six months,
nine months,
learning about plastics chemistry and how to make these things really,
really beautiful. And our design team has done a phenomenal job again.
Lime over here. It’s beautiful.
The keyboards and mice match.
Strawberry, it’s delicious.
Blueberry is gorgeous.
Great. What.
What more needs to be said?
The colour of Rome and Tangerine.
Just beautiful.
And it’s incredible because inside our company,
people pick colours that you’d never expect,
right, like our. Our.
I can’t go into that, but just amazing.
You’d think they’d pick blue,
but they pick Tangerine as their favourite colour.
It’s amazing. And we think these colours are really,
really gonna be exciting for people.
We think one of the most important questions now
when you buy a computer is gonna be,
what’s your favourite colour?
And this is more important in our surveys,
in our consumer surveys.
This is far more important than most of the mumbo jumbo
associated with buying consumer computer. Megabytes,
megahertz. Gigabytes.
People don’t care about that stuff.
They wanna trust us to give them a really great computer.
What they care about is,
I wanna express myself and pick the colour I want.
And we think this is gonna be really hot.
You can see these in the boot. They are available today.
this is our last surprise.
And, um,
this is what we’re doing today.
We’ve taken a really great product lineup in 1998
and we are Taking it to a whole new level for 1999. Again,
we are changing our whole desktop lineup for 1999.
Starting today, the products are available.
We’re very proud of them. We’ve worked very hard on them.
We hope you like them as much as we do.
And that’s pretty much what we have for you today.
Four surprises.
Power Mac G3 for 1999. Mac OS 10 Server.
An incredible progress on our commitment
to make Mac the best gaming machine in the world.
And a whole new lineup of Macs,
imac for 99. That take consumer computing to a whole new level.
Thank you very much.