Sabbath Mode and Freezer Lights: Navigating Observance and Utility

This is my freezer.
And the lights off in my freezer because it was just Shabbos
and we set the fridge and freezer to something called Sabbath mode,
and most fridges and freezers have that now.
Normally when you open a fridge or freezer door,
the light turns on,
since Jews who keep the laws of Shabbos will spark electricity.
What are we gonna do about these doors?
How do we make sure when we open the doors the lights don’t turn on?
So if you have Sabbath mode in your fridge or freezer,
you can turn that on.
I’m actually going to show you now cause it’s after Shabbos,
I’m turning my Sabbath mode off by pressing these buttons right here.
And the lights are on, by the way.
Now when I close the freezer door,
the lights are to turn off.
Looks like Justin already did Sabbath mode in the fridge.
If somebody doesn’t have Sabbath mode in their fridge or freezer,
what they would do is
sometimes there’s like a little button that you can tape over.
Some people will use like magnets or Velcro,
or if you don’t have any of that,
you just unscrew the light bulb.
Some people even permanently take out the light bulbs
so they don’t have this issue.
Although I actually like having the lights on during the week.
And what would somebody do
if they forget to turn off the lights in their fridge
on Shabbos? Well,
sometimes We’ll find a non Jewish neighbor to come in
and help us to turn Sabbath mode on,
because we want to make sure we can use our fridge and freezer.
I would definitely be the best option,
because starving is not an option.
if the only food that you can eat is in your fridge or freezer,
you’re gonna open that door.
Cause our health comes before the laws.
But that’s not ideal. So
we would definitely see if we could find somebody
to turn on Sabbath mode for us.
And by that I mean a non Jewish person,
not a person who just is Jewish and doesn’t keep Shabbos.
Because we wouldn’t want to ask a Jewish person to break a law
just cause they don’t follow it.
We follow it, so we wouldn’t ask them to break it.