Rant: Why I’m Switching Back to Android and Saying Goodbye to iPhones Forever

I’m so over iPhones. I don’t want an iPhone no more.
I’m going back to Android.
I’m over it. I’m over it.
I hate iPhones. I don’t want an iPhone anymore.
It’s constantly over fucking heating,
my battery is always dying,
the picture quality is not even that damn good.
I’m always getting charged 9 99,
2 99, or 3 99 for something.
I don’t even know what the fuck y’all are taking my money for.
You better not facetime me,
because who the fuck really wants to sit on facetime that is
over the age of 25?
Nobody Facetimes but kids, okay? And then
I’m going back to Android.
I’m going back to Android.
I’m so over these fucking iPhones.
I’m so over.
The only thing iPhone had was blue bubbles and red receipts.
That’s the only thing was really tripping about.
Everything else iPhone got they just stole from Android anyway,
and they’re like 20 years late behind.
I’m going back to Android. I hate iPhone.