The Dangerous Trend of Skiing and Substance Abuse Among College Students: A Concern for the Future

if you’re not rich you shouldn’t be going skiing
and I shouldn’t be having to say this
and I know other creators have talked
about this on this app
but there’s been a large influx in the
amount of people who go skiing
in college settings like people who do
lines every single night in their dorm
and I used to think like oh
all these people are getting skinny
because they’re on ozempic, no
they’re doing lines every night
and I’m just confused as to
like where I got off from the train
in the understanding that substance
abuse is not okay
that glorifying these substances
is not a good idea
back where I’m from a lot of the people
who go skiing are demonized
there’s a stigma around it because oftentimes
their usage connects to a mental health crisis
whereas these wealthy individuals who
are on their social media platforms
uplifting going skiing
are often times glorified and put on a pedestal
when in reality these party substances
in their case are often used as an
escape as well
so I’m just wondering
where I got off on the understanding
that putting this content out
for younger generations to consume
on this app is okay and I’m genuinely concerned
because it’s not just like the average
individual doing this
these are like
Ivy League individuals and students who
are consuming these substances
and so I’m just a little bit frightened for
the future of our country as well
thank you